Tips on Keeping Chickens in Your Backyard
Raising and keeping chickens in the backyard is an easy, economical way to get fresh eggs and save money. They are fairly inexpensive to maintain and to raise, and you are guaranteed to have fresh and organic eggs all the time.
Chickens are actually quite friendly animals and provide a great way to teach children about responsibility and how to care for living things. They also provide a source of pride for those who raise them, and give people experience in small animal farming and egg hatching. Some people raise chickens in their backyards to raise money. Eggs can be quite profitable, if there are enough of them produced and plenty of buyers who want fresh, chemical-free eggs to eat and enjoy.
Chickens are more popular to raise than both ducks and geese combined. Free range chickens have plenty of room to run and move around, and tend to produce better than chickens raised in smaller, confined spaces. If you decide to raise chickens in our backyard, be sure there will be plenty of room for them to move around, room for a chicken coop, and of course room for yourself as well.
Here are some tips for keeping chickens in your backyard:
1.For starter chicks, check with local farms, or other chicken breeders in the locality.
2.Pine shavings work well as flooring for both small and adult chickens.
3.Play and interact with baby chicks to get them used to their surrounding and to other people.
4.When the chickens “feather out”, they should be moved to a coop.
5.Chickens like bread, vegetables, and even bugs as treats.
6.Eggs take about 21 days to hatch, and should be incubated well. Natural incubation works best.
7.Dedicate a large section of the backyard for the chickens to run.
8.Cull, or get rid of, chickens with unwanted traits, as they can cause several serious problems for the others.
9.Be sure to check for local laws in terms of how many chickens can be kept on your property.
10.Protect chickens against predators by providing them with ample shelter.
Keeping chickens is a fun and productive way to produce eggs and enjoy the freedoms of having your very own flock. Feed is fairly inexpensive, and other natural foods can be fed to them as well. Patience is very important since it does take some time for the hens to grow and produce eggs. The first few batches of eggs may not be as big as hoped, but over time their size and girth will increase. Hens need to have a good, warm, and safe environment in which to lay their eggs. If their environment is conducive to production, they can lay a great deal of eggs every week.
Chickens are friendly animals, and make great pets. They’re fun to watch, enjoyable to raise, and an excellent way to have your own fresh eggs almost every single day. Hens can lay eggs up to five years of their lives, sometimes as long as eight years, so just a few chickens will produce eggs for a long time.