What To Feed Chickens For Higher Egg Yield

When keeping chickens, one will eventually have to think about what to feed a chicken for maximal egg production. Feeding chickens for the purpose of making them produce more eggs requires a little research on the part of the chicken farmer.  He must know what chicken feed to give them from the time they are still small until they start to lay eggs.

When feeding the chickens, give them ample amount of protein since this is the primary nutrient they need to produce more eggs.  An all-mash diet is very rich in protein.  It is made from finely crushed grains.

Providing them with grit which help digest other food taken by the chickens is important in feeding chickens.  If you feed them scratch feed, mix it with mash.  Fat hens cannot yield more eggs so do not give them whole grain all the time as this is fattening.

Feeding chickens with food rich in calcium is also necessary as calcium will make the egg shells harder.  Oyster shells and crushed bones are calcium rich food and mash is also a good source of calcium.

You can also feed chickens with vegetable skins and leaves or other leftover food if you want to save on your expenses.

Lastly, provide them with enough supply of fresh water as this will also hasten a higher egg yield.  To defend them against diseases, only give them clean water.  Feeding chickens with the right amount of nutrients and water will ensure you of a higher egg yield.

For chicken coop designs, check out the www.thechickentractor.com.au.

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One important equipment that every chicken keeper should have – Chicken Feeder and or Drinker

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